Bid Creation and Management:

Ability to create and manage bid requests, specifying transportation requirements such as origin, destination, shipment details, and service expectations. Configurable bid templates to streamline the bid creation process and ensure consistency. Bid deadline management and automated reminders for bid submission.

Bidder Communication and Collaboration:

Communication tools for sending bid invitations to potential transportation providers and managing bidder inquiries. Collaboration features to facilitate question-and-answer sessions, clarifications, and document sharing with bidders. Secure bidder portal for accessing bid-related information and submitting bids.

Bid Evaluation and Scoring:

Criteria-based bid evaluation to assess bids based on factors like pricing, service capabilities, transit times, capacity, and other relevant parameters. Weighted scoring system to assign scores to different criteria based on their importance. Automated bid comparison and analysis to determine the most competitive and suitable bids.

Integration with Transport Management System:

Seamless integration with the organization's Transport Management System to import bid-related data, such as shipment requirements, existing contracts, and transportation provider information. Bid result integration to automatically update transportation provider details, rates, and contractual agreements in the Transport Management System.

Negotiation and Counteroffer Management:

Ability to negotiate with bidders, send counteroffers, and track negotiation history. Real-time bid status updates and notifications for both bidders and the organization issuing the bid. Version control to manage bid revisions and maintain a record of all negotiation activities.

Supplier Selection and Contract Management

Supplier evaluation and selection based on bid results, including factors like cost, service quality, capacity, and compliance. Contract management features to create, store, and manage supplier contracts, including terms, conditions, and pricing agreements. Integration with supplier databases and performance tracking systems for supplier onboarding and ongoing evaluation.

Reporting and Analytics:

Reporting capabilities to generate bid summary reports, supplier comparison reports, and cost analysis reports. Data visualization tools to present bid-related data in charts, graphs, and dashboards for better decision-making. Historical bid data analysis to identify trends, patterns, and opportunities for process improvement.

Compliance and Audit:

Compliance checks to ensure bids meet organizational requirements and industry regulations. Audit trail and data transparency for bid-related activities, ensuring transparency and accountability in the bidding process. Tracking and documentation of bid-related communication and activities for compliance purposes.

LogiBrisk Auction Management enable organizations to effectively manage the bidding process, evaluate bids, select the most suitable transportation providers, and streamline contract management within their Transport Management Software solution.